

In this section we list research results and publications, which have used the EPHect tools in their studies, along with the publications of the tools.

Research results
EPQ translations
EPHect publications

Research results where EPHect standards were used

This section is currently being updated

EPQ translations

Line Holdgaard Thomsen, Laura Emilie Vexø, Tine Henrichsen Schnack, Karina Ejgaard Hansen, Axel Forman, Dorthe Hartwell, Henriette Svarre Nielsen, Lone Hummelshoj, Mette Nyegaard, Mette Elkjær Madsen. Danish translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and electronic migration of the World Endometriosis Research Foundation Endometriosis Phenome and Biobanking Harmonisation Project Endometriosis Patient Questionnaire. Front Glob Womens Health 2023;4:1102006. 

Idhaliz Flores-Caldera, Paola M Ramos-Echevarría, José A Oliveras-Torres, Natasha Santos-Piñero, Estefanía D Rivera-Mudafort, Denisse M Soto-Soto, Brian Hernández-Colón, Luis E Rivera-Hiraldo, Loraine Mas, Mary Rodríguez-Rabassa, Nabal J Bracero, Edgardo Rolla; Ibero-American Endometriosis Association. Ibero-American Endometriosis Patient Phenome: Demographics, Obstetric-Gynecologic Traits, and Symptomatology. Front Reprod Health 2021:3:667345. 

Cise Mis, Gokcen Kofali, Bethan Swift, Pinar Yalcin Bahat, Gamze Senocak, Bahar Taneri, Lone Hummelshoj, Stacey A Missmer, Christian M Becker, Krina T Zondervan, Bahar Yuksel Ozgor, Engin Oral, Umit Inceboz, Mevhibe B Hocaoglu, Nilufer RahmiogluProtocol for the Cultural Translation and Adaptation of the World Endometriosis Research Foundation Endometriosis Phenome and Biobanking Harmonization Project Endometriosis Participant Questionnaire (EPHect). Front Glob Womens Health 2021;2:644609.

Evan Dimentberg, Claire Cardaillac, Evelyn Richard, Anne-Sophie Plante, Sarah Maheux-Lacroix. Translation and Cultural Validation of the WERF EPHect Endometriosis Patient Questionnaire into Canadian French. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2021;43(7):817-821.

EPHect publications

Tinya Lin, Catherine Allaire, Sawsan As-Sanie, Pamela Stratton, Katy Vincent, G David Adamson, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Deborah Bush, Femke Jansen, Jennifer Longpre, Luk Rombauts, Jay Shah, Abeesha Toussaint, Lone Hummelshoj, Stacey A Missmer, Paul J Yong; WERF EPHect Physical Examination Working Group. World Endometriosis Research Foundation Endometriosis Phenome and Biobanking Harmonization Project: V. Physical examination standards in endometriosis research.  Fertil Steril 2024;122(2):304-15.

Christian M Becker, Marc R Laufer, Pamela Stratton, Lone HummelshojStacey A Missmer, Krina T Zondervan, G David Adamson; WERF EPHect Working Group. World Endometriosis Research Foundation Endometriosis Phenome and Biobanking Harmonisation Project: I. Surgical phenotype data collection in endometriosis research. Fertil Steril 2014;102(5):1213-1222.

Allison F Vitonis, Katy Vincent, Nilufer Rahmioglu, Amelie Fassbender, Germaine M Buck Louis, Lone Hummelshoj, Linda C Giudice, Pamela Stratton, G David Adamson, Christian M Becker, Krina T Zondervan, Stacey A Missmer; WERF EPHect Working Group. World Endometriosis Research Foundation (WERF) Endometriosis Phenome and biobanking harmonization project (EPHect): II. Clinical and covariate phenotype data collection in endometriosis research. Fertil Steril 2014;102(5):1223-32.

Nilufer Rahmioglu, Amelie Fassbender, Allison F Vitonis, Shelley S Tworoger, Lone Hummelshoj, Thomas M D'Hooghe, G David Adamson, Linda C Giudice, Christian M Becker, Krina T Zondervan, Stacey A Missmer; WERF EPHect Working Group. WERF Endometriosis Phenome and Biobanking Harmonization Project (EPHect): III. Fluid biospecimen collection, processing, and storage in endometriosis research. Fertil Steril 2014;102(5):1233-43.

Amelie Fassbender, Nilufer Rahmioglu, Allison F Vitonis, Paola Viganò, Linda C Giudice, Thomas M D'Hooghe, Lone Hummelshoj, G David Adamson, Christian M Becker, Stacey A Missmer, Krina T Zondervan; WERF EPHect Working Group. World Endometriosis Research Foundation Endometriosis Phenome and Biobanking Harmonisation Project (EPHect): IV. Tissue collection, processing, and storage in endometriosis research. Fertil Steril 2014;102(5):1244-53

Casper RF. New tools for enhancing collaborative endometriosis research. Fertil Steril 2014;102(5):1211-12

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